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Homeopathic Treatment of Unconscious Patient

Dr. Abdul Hannan Mia 2021-06-26T21:37:00+06:00 , Updated: 2 years ago Treatment , Homeopathic 0 858
Homeopathic Treatment of Unconscious Patient

Today we will discuss about homeopathic treatment and medicine for unconscious, senseless, faint patient.

  1. Unconscious after receiving bad news - Ignatia 30
  2. Unconscious after receiving happy news - Coffea Cruda 30, 2/4 Minute interval.
  3. Suddenly unconscious in the heat of the sun or in extreme heat - Minute.
  4. Unconscious after seeing blood - Nux Moschata 30.
  5. Unconscious due to Menstruation - China.
  6. Unconscious due to epilepsy - Amylium Nitrosum, Nicotinum, Cuprum Metallicum, Cicuta Virosa, Sulfur, Silicea, Minute.
  7. Unconscious after Menstruation - China Off, Ipecac.
  8. If unconscious after intercourse - Agaricus.
  9. If unconscious after injury - Nux Moschata.
  10. Unconsciousness caused by lightning - Morphinum, Phosphorus.
  11. Unconscious after surgery - Aconitum Napellus or Hypericum.
  12. Unconscious while sitting for the exam - Gelsemium.
  13. Unconscious during childbirth - Nux Vom, Pulsatilla.
  14. Stop urinating and become unconscious (If the urine stops and faints) - Digitalis, Plumbum
  15. Become unconscious when angry - Gelsemium, Colocynth, Chamomilla.
  16. Unconscious due to fear - Opium or Aconitum Napellus 30, Argentum Nitricum .
  17. Unconscious due to lightning - Morphinum
  18. Unconscious during defecation - Sulfur.
  19. Unconscious due to smoke or contaminated gas - Arnica Mont, Opium..
  20. Unconscious with abdominal pain - Nux Vom.

Dr. Abdul Hannan Mia (B,A)

D.H.M.S (Dhaka)

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