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Homeopathic treatment of baby's milk feeding problems

Dr. Abdul Hannan Mia 2021-07-03T23:18:41+06:00 , Updated: 2 years ago Known Diseases , Children Diseases 0 748
Homeopathic treatment of baby's milk feeding problems

Homeopathic treatment and medicine of baby's milk feeding problems.

Homeopathic treatment and medicine of baby's milk feeding problems

Alumina 30 is a tried and tested medicine for babies who are suffering from constipation due to artificial milk, canned milk or powdered milk. Please check it out and leave a comment so we can share something better and benefit others.

The baby's milk is not tolerated, the stomach bites and even if baby drinks only a little bit of milk and vomit like clotting barrier cheese with foul smell or acidic odor (Natrum Phos), - Calc. Phos6x-2 pills 3/4 times a day.

Infants are unable to digest milk, have abdominal pain, indigestion, symptoms like Mag Carb or Mag Mure (Magnesia Muriatica) 30, 3 times a day.

Read more about Children Disease 

Suffering from drinking milk, stomach upset occurs, inconsistent nutritional action - Lac Defloratum 30, 2/1 times a day.

Milk is unbearable, vomit like clotting barrier cheese when eaten, the child falls asleep dull, wakes up and wants to eat again - Aethusa 12/30, 3/4 a day. China for opposite symptoms.

Illness of the baby due to eating milk and a lot of sugar with it - Natrum Phos 6x, 3/4 times a day

The baby aversion in the Breast milk, vomit like cheese or diarrhea occurs - Silicea, Natrum Carb.

Can't digest milk, vomit like cheese. - Aethusa

Milk is unbearable, vomiting and diarrhea occurs after eating, Arsenic Album 30 দিনে 2/3 বার। Arsenic Album 2/3 times in 30 days.

Milk allergy - Tuberculinum Bovinum from 200 power.

The baby cries while drinking breast milk - Borax 30.

The taste of milk is bitter - Borax 30, Bryonia Alb, Pulsatilla.

Dr. Abdul Hannan Mia (B,A)

D.H.M.S (Dhaka)

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